четвъртък, 8 октомври 2009 г.


What lies ahead
Desi Tartova

Future is one of the most interesting topics for us, humans. And generally speaking, there are ones who think that the end of the world is not so far away; others who say that present is not half as interesting and fascinating as the future would be; and third ones who… haven't really thought about it. Nevertheless, I'm not sure what to believe in. I, personally, am not in any of these groups. Without doubt the world as we know it is getting better – life standard, technology and etc. But if we forget who we are and where we come from it would be equal to an end – maybe not to the world but to the people in it. It is easy to speak about the perfect new technology I imagine but I prefer to speak about the changes which human society would meet. People are becoming meaner and closed in themselves. Some look bored from life – as if they didn’t want to be here. Others are happy only if they had made someone's life harder. Is this really our best? We could be better and save our future. Start with something simple – when you walk to school or work tomorrow morning, smile to the faces you see – give an example. Who knows? Your smile could make someone's day better!

понеделник, 5 октомври 2009 г.

What lies


Maybe it’s not rarely asked question, don’t you think?

There are so many and different theories dealing with the future.

That immediately tell us no one is sure about the coming.

Anyway, let’s check out some theories.

According to the Marx’s theory, the working class will overthrow the bourgeois ones.

There will be no more class struggle.

Taking these words, we can put one question – What they will strive for?

Well, people will become “afraid” to work in lower class, just because of the shame it will give.

Another theory says that the standard of living will keep getting better and better.

Until reaching the top, that means everybody will become too lazy, especially children.

Third one says that by the end of 2012 the life on the Earth will have finished.

The reason for that will be magnetic alteration, and that will lead to

turning the poles of the Earth.

Eventually, huge tsunami will take the life of the Earth.

Another theory tells us that the resources of the planet will gone away and we will have to turn the chemicals into food just for the living.

All in all, I don’t believe in any of these theories.

The only thing we should know whatever it happens, it’s important to respect each other by the end of our lives.