четвъртък, 24 септември 2009 г.

Angels and Demons- review

Angels and Demons is based on Dan Brown's novel with the same name and it is sequel to ' The Da Vinci Code' even thought the action takes place before ' The Da Vinci Code'. The director is Ron Howard and the main actor is Tom Hanks.
It it the time when the Catholic Church mourns the death of the pope. Vatican City prepares a ceremony, which will select the next pope. But the illuminati, a 400 year enamy of the church, kidnaps the four candidates and threatens to murder each one of them as a sign of revenge. The Vatican calls a proffesor symbologist ( Tom Hanks ) to thrack down the illuminati. As the mistery reveals the proffesor and his companions make a shoking discoveries about the illuminati and the Catholic Church itself.
Angels and Demons is best suited for those, who like misteries and unexpected endings.
If you decide to watch it you won't be disappointed.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End review

The third film from two others interesting and very successful films. The film is from 2007 year and it's still interesting. It' directed by Gore Verbinski who directed the previous two.
The film tells a story about a pirate named Captain Jack Sparrow who is lost at World's End and his friends should find him, because the song was singed and all the pirates should meet and talk. But things aren't good, because the deplomats of America start a war with the pirates.
There are a lot of characters, but the most interesting and loved by the audience is Captain Jack Sparrow who is played by the actor Johny Depp. Other interesting actors are Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley and a lot more. The actors successed in playing their character perfect. There are a lot of interesting details and effects, like the ship which shows from the water and the crew who lives in it and his captain Davy Jones who looks like octopus. Johny Depp's character managed tohold the attention of the audience and the audience love Captain Jack Sparrow....
This is really great movie and is well worth seeing, if you've watched the other parts you'll love that film. You'll be surprised what more can happen to Jack Sparrow.

сряда, 23 септември 2009 г.

The Emperor’s journey review

The Emperor’s journey,

now showing on National Geographic channel, is a film made by
Luc Jacquet. It tells the story about Emperor penguin and how they bring their birds up in horrible weather conditions Male and female penguins make efforts to survive in these extreme conditions. The story centres around the march of the penguins.

Their main purpose is that to arrive in the safest place Antarctica and to see their babies alive.

The amazement is that when babies get a bit independent, they should go on alone and start their own life.

The film wouldn’t be the same without the effects. For start, the beauty of the nature make us feel vary exited. In addition, the special effects are absolutely original.

For me this film is spectacular. At first, you see how important is not to give up. Secondly, it shows that nothing’s matter when you want something. Finally, we see how we should work in team to succeed.

So if you are ready to see a real life story about the frozen world and power of nature you will be charmed.


The Notebook - review

The Notebook is directed by Nick Cassavetes, based on the bestseller of Nicolas Stark and it is a movie based on one impossible love in the 40s. It tells the story of Noah and Allie – two people who never had the chance to be together forever.
Noah (Ryan Gosling) and Allie (Rachel McAdams) are basically from two different worlds. She is a rich city girl while he is poor mill worker. Despite all the difference, they quickly fell in love. But there is always something which stands on their way… Many years later Noah thinks they can finally be together before he understands that Allie has Alzheimer. He visits her every day at her nursing home, reading their story from a notebook, hoping that she will understand who he is…
The Notebook is a heartbreaking story for which you should be prepared with a tissue in your hand.
If you find romantic movies interesting, you definitely won’t be disappointed. Nicolas Stark and Nick Cassavetes have done a great job here!

вторник, 22 септември 2009 г.


Twilight, now showing at the Fortune Cinema in Sofia, is a film adapted from the bestseller by Stephenie Meyer. Twilight is a story for one imposible love. A story full with very advantures and danger.
The film tells the story of Bella Souln, who has allways been diffrent and unpopular. But when she moves to Forks everything is changing. There, everybody notice her including a strange unearthly beautiful boy called Edward Cullen. However, Edward keeps a dangerous secret. A secret, which reveal a new world for Bella.
There are no fewer than 20 characters in the film and the lead are taken by the young actors Robert Pattinson and Kirsten Swan. Robert's role as Edward is extremly successful.
Аlthough some scenes from the book are not included, the film succeeds in creating the same exiting atmosphere. The special effects and the good actors manage to reveal the supernaturaly happenings, which make the film very effective.
Twilight is a powerful production and is well worth seeing. And even if you don't like romantic stories, you will be facinated by that unusual story. So be sure that you won't be disappointed.