четвъртък, 24 септември 2009 г.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End review

The third film from two others interesting and very successful films. The film is from 2007 year and it's still interesting. It' directed by Gore Verbinski who directed the previous two.
The film tells a story about a pirate named Captain Jack Sparrow who is lost at World's End and his friends should find him, because the song was singed and all the pirates should meet and talk. But things aren't good, because the deplomats of America start a war with the pirates.
There are a lot of characters, but the most interesting and loved by the audience is Captain Jack Sparrow who is played by the actor Johny Depp. Other interesting actors are Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley and a lot more. The actors successed in playing their character perfect. There are a lot of interesting details and effects, like the ship which shows from the water and the crew who lives in it and his captain Davy Jones who looks like octopus. Johny Depp's character managed tohold the attention of the audience and the audience love Captain Jack Sparrow....
This is really great movie and is well worth seeing, if you've watched the other parts you'll love that film. You'll be surprised what more can happen to Jack Sparrow.

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